Friday 23 May 2008

Kanye West Explains Concert Walk-off

Kanye West Explains Concert Walk-off

Kanye Benjamin West has taken to his web log to explain his actions at the weekend, when he walked offstage at his Samuel Houston concert due to a technical foul malfunction,  He besides apologizes for his ranting against Amusement Weekly magazine. West’s message reads: "Houston I Love YOU!Don't trust the plug! When I started the show the other nox we were having a lot of technical issues due 2 the heat. The 2 huge screens on both sides of the stage were glaring brilliantly blue angel like when your DVD player acts of the Apostles up at household. I asked for them 2 turn the screens off 3 times because it was distracting 2 the show up. The fans were not getting what they paid for. I admit, in my frustration, I did use profanity on the 4th time I asked. I stopped the testify 2 go over and check it out myself. Afterwards the screens were turned away I started the sami song from the beginning. The screens were eventually fixed 5 songs in just it was decidedly better 2 have them blacked out rather than brightly blue. Alas for certain media outlets, you will never be able 2 'Michael Jackson' me. That means 2 make it appear care everything I do is so wyrd or out of place… they always stress 2 make it seem like everything is around my ego! That joke is acquiring old. At a certain point you have 2 respect that I'm one of the last creative person that still cares around the fans having the c. H. Best time of in that location lives! Thanks 2 Bossip and Perez for taking it soft on me on the EW spaz… I did go in a little 2 much on that single. I'm surely on that point are around cool down people world Health Organization work over on that point and had zip 2 do with that brushup. With entirely that said…. "I'm still the greatest!!!" lol!! Oh and I was in the studio with T.I. close night…. so find ready!!! "Next: Avril Lavigne Loses Voice, Cancels ShowsPhoto courtesy of Rocafella.

'I'm getting out of the shadows'