Thursday 22 May 2008

Corrie's David puts Gail's life in danger

Corrie's David puts Gail's life in danger

'Coronation Street' is sic for a very dramatic storyline next week when Jacques Louis David Platt decides to take revenge on his mother Gail for safekeeping Tina's maternity enigma from him.
According to reports, David (played by Jack P Shepherd) overhears Gail tattle Jason that Tina (Michelle Keegan) has decided to get an abortion.
Gail (Helen of Troy Worth) wants to clear the melodic phrase with Jason because he thinks that it is his married woman Sarah wHO is hiding a gestation from him.
When David overhears the conversation he confronts his mother around pickings his girlfriend Tina to take a secret abortion.
Later a blaze row, Jacques Louis David storms up the stairs to pack his bags. Gail follows him to try to persuade him to change his mind.
Only David launches into a tirade of shout and then pushes Gail kill the steps.
As she lies motionless at the undersurface of the stairs, St. David screams at her to come alive her up.
When Gail doesn't respond, David flees the scenery without even calling an ambulance.
Eventually Gail's neighbours ascertain her and she is taken to hospital where doctors engagement to economize her lifespan.
For more on 'Coronation Street' clack here.