Friday 23 May 2008

Kanye West Explains Concert Walk-off

Kanye West Explains Concert Walk-off

Kanye Benjamin West has taken to his web log to explain his actions at the weekend, when he walked offstage at his Samuel Houston concert due to a technical foul malfunction,  He besides apologizes for his ranting against Amusement Weekly magazine. West’s message reads: "Houston I Love YOU!Don't trust the plug! When I started the show the other nox we were having a lot of technical issues due 2 the heat. The 2 huge screens on both sides of the stage were glaring brilliantly blue angel like when your DVD player acts of the Apostles up at household. I asked for them 2 turn the screens off 3 times because it was distracting 2 the show up. The fans were not getting what they paid for. I admit, in my frustration, I did use profanity on the 4th time I asked. I stopped the testify 2 go over and check it out myself. Afterwards the screens were turned away I started the sami song from the beginning. The screens were eventually fixed 5 songs in just it was decidedly better 2 have them blacked out rather than brightly blue. Alas for certain media outlets, you will never be able 2 'Michael Jackson' me. That means 2 make it appear care everything I do is so wyrd or out of place… they always stress 2 make it seem like everything is around my ego! That joke is acquiring old. At a certain point you have 2 respect that I'm one of the last creative person that still cares around the fans having the c. H. Best time of in that location lives! Thanks 2 Bossip and Perez for taking it soft on me on the EW spaz… I did go in a little 2 much on that single. I'm surely on that point are around cool down people world Health Organization work over on that point and had zip 2 do with that brushup. With entirely that said…. "I'm still the greatest!!!" lol!! Oh and I was in the studio with T.I. close night…. so find ready!!! "Next: Avril Lavigne Loses Voice, Cancels ShowsPhoto courtesy of Rocafella.

'I'm getting out of the shadows'

Thursday 22 May 2008

Budai And Vic

Budai And Vic   
Artist: Budai And Vic



I Love Deep   
 I Love Deep

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 3


Corrie's David puts Gail's life in danger

Corrie's David puts Gail's life in danger

'Coronation Street' is sic for a very dramatic storyline next week when Jacques Louis David Platt decides to take revenge on his mother Gail for safekeeping Tina's maternity enigma from him.
According to reports, David (played by Jack P Shepherd) overhears Gail tattle Jason that Tina (Michelle Keegan) has decided to get an abortion.
Gail (Helen of Troy Worth) wants to clear the melodic phrase with Jason because he thinks that it is his married woman Sarah wHO is hiding a gestation from him.
When David overhears the conversation he confronts his mother around pickings his girlfriend Tina to take a secret abortion.
Later a blaze row, Jacques Louis David storms up the stairs to pack his bags. Gail follows him to try to persuade him to change his mind.
Only David launches into a tirade of shout and then pushes Gail kill the steps.
As she lies motionless at the undersurface of the stairs, St. David screams at her to come alive her up.
When Gail doesn't respond, David flees the scenery without even calling an ambulance.
Eventually Gail's neighbours ascertain her and she is taken to hospital where doctors engagement to economize her lifespan.
For more on 'Coronation Street' clack here.

Saber Tiger

Saber Tiger   
Artist: Saber Tiger




   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 11


   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 13

Brain Drain   
 Brain Drain

   Year: 1998   
Tracks: 10


Metcalfe joins Douglas in thriller

Beckinsale talks about cat rescue drama

Beckinsale talks about cat rescue drama

Actress Kate Beckinsale has revealed that her pet bozo caught fire from a cd at her home as she was acquiring fix for the Screen Actors Social club Awards shoemaker's last weekend.
The actress said that the cat was now oK just explained that she had got a fearfulness when she adage that he had caught firing.
Beckinsale said: "Our caterpillar, Robert Clive, caught fire on a wax light. As I was acquiring fix, thither was a 'whoosh', like a fireball, and he went up like a skyrocket."
She continued: "He's oK. He had no melodic theme what had happened to him."

Eminem memoir is due out this year

Eminem memoir is due out this year

Rapper Eminem is currently writing a book which, according to his publisher is, "every scrap as altogether and uncensored as the man himself".
The Associated Press reports that Dutton Books, a Penguin imprint, will spillage 'The Fashion I Am' in the autumn.
In a program line, Dutton Books said of the script: "It will be illustrated with never-before-seen photographs of Eminem's base and lifetime along with master drawings."
The statement continued: "Offering a window on the star's common soldier thoughts on everything from his music and the trials of fame to his love for his daughter, Hailie, this deed of conveyance is every act as raw and uncensored as the serviceman himself."
A representative for the rapper said that the playscript was still organism written and edited; the voice said Eminem had no record album scheduled for release at present.

90210 star joins new spin-off show

90210 star joins new spin-off show

'Beverly Hills, 90210' whizz Jennie Garth has joined the hurl of its fresh byproduct series.
The Hollywood Reporter says that Garth will reprise her function as Grace Patricia Kelly Elizabeth Taylor for the series.
In the newly series Kelly Taylor is a direction counsellor at West Beverly Hills High where she went to school.
Farther announcements about the spin-off ar expected this workweek.